Affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi

Banthra, Kanpur Road, Lucknow

Student's Code of Conduct

A regular attendance is important condition of successful working. A prior written application for leave must be submitted well in advance. In case of illness and other unforeseen circumstances the guardian should inform the Principal in written as soon as possible. 80% attendance is compulsory for the child to be eligible for exams.

Every student of KDPS must possess the willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of the School. The students are expected to maintain the decorum of the School and should conduct themselves in a refined manner.

English is strictly the medium of communication within the School campus. All conversation between teachers, students and among the students themselves should be in English excepting in the Hindi period.

The School begins with Assembly and all are expected to be present for the same. Students must reach the School at least ten minutes before the Assembly bell. At the first bell they should all assemble in absolute silence.

Latecomers will not be allowed to attend the sessions of the day unless they bring a note to the teacher from the Principal. The School reserves the right of sending the latecomers back to their home.

The School gate will be closed five minutes prior to the School Assembly.

All the students must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners. Parents are requested to send their children to the School neatly dressed without which they will be refused admission to the class.

Every student should bring the School Diary daily.

Punctual and regular attendance, earnestness in home assignments and good behaviour in and outside the School are always insisted on.

In all these matters parents full cooperation is expected at all times. They should check the School Diary regularly and note the Teacher's remarks.

The students should keep their books clean, neatly covered, with their name written on them. All the prescribed Text books and copies should be bought before the opening of the School.

Students not adhering to the School uniform code may call for disciplinary action inclusive of being sent back home.

No student should leave the School premises during the School hours without the written permission of the Principal.

Unknown persons, relatives or servants will be not be allowed to come and fetch their child from the School incase of an emergency or any unforeseen situation.

Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience or objectionable behaviour of any kind may result in disciplinary action.

Homework should be done regularly and submitted to the teachers. Students are awarded marks for homework regularity.

No objectionable reading, video or audio material should be brought or exchanged in the School. If students fail to adhere to it, they will be fined.

Any kind of damage done to the School property including ink stains/scribbling, writing on the walls, damaging the furniture, misappropriation of the things belonging to others, etc. are serious faults. The damage must be compensated for at the expense of the offender.

When a student is unable to attend the Class a leave application must be sent to the Principal giving the reason for his/her absence.

If a student continues to be absent for a month without any intimation to the Principal, his/her name will be struck off from the School rolls.