Students have to come on time at any cost.
Every student should carry him/her school diary.
Student must be punctual in reaching school. They should attend the morning assembly. Late arrivals may not be allowed to the class without pricnipal permission.
Parents are not allowed to see their children or meet their during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
Strict regularity and punctuality, obedience, courtesy in words and deals, cleanliness in dress and proper care of books and school property are expected from every pupil.
Once the children report to school they must not leave the school premisis without permission of the Principal.
Every pupil must take part in school games and other activities, unless declared physical unfit by a medical certificate or exempted by the Principal.
Pupil's are responsible to school authorities not only for their conduct in school but for their general behavior also in outside.
Student should bring proper copies and books according to the time table.