Affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi

Banthra, Kanpur Road, Lucknow

Manager's Message

Mr. Sanjeev Singh


Kamal Delhi Public School, Lucknow

"Full many of gem of purest may serene,
the dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear
Full many a flower is born to clash unseen
And waste its sweetness on desert air."

Realising the truth in these lines, Revd. Omkar Singh laid the foundation of Kamal Delhi Public School in the year 2020 with a view to providing quality education within affordable means to the people of Lucknow. Our school is imparting quality education to about 700 students. Keeping pace with the global education trends and standards, our school follow the curriculum which shapes and nurtures students' personality in a holistic manner through:

  • Child-Centric approach to education.
  • Activity based teaching-learning.
  • Comprehensive co-curricular activities.
  • Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of students.
  • Integration of modern technology and pedagogy in teaching learning process.

Founder's Thought

  • Punctuality and time management.
  • Using all human faculties holistically.
  • Firm determination and self-confidence.
  • No substitute to hard work and courage.
  • Making every difficult task possible through actions and hard work.
  • Rising against oppression and evil.
  • Accepting respnsibility willingly.